Thank you for your generous donation to the Yin-Shun Foundation. Your support can help spread the teaching of the Dharma.
1. 捐款時請提供地址,以便基金會寄送收據給您,地址註明方式詳見底下操作說明。
Please provide your mailing address when donating to allow Yin-Shun Foundation to mail you a receipt. See the instructions below on how to provide mailing address.
2. 捐款時可註明供養個別法師或全體法師,無特別註明者,捐款會使用在一般法務上。
When donating, you can specify its purpose or to whom the donation is intended. If there’s no specific instruction, it will be used for general purposes by the Yin-Shun Foundation.
3. 如果供養個別法師或全體法師,則不予以開立收據。
No receipt will be provided if the donation is designated for the Venerable(s).
Yin-Shun Foundation
PO Box 508
Sparta, NJ 07871
Zelle® ID:973-960-1448 or ysf.request@gmail.com
請將您的電子郵件加在 memo 欄位,以方便電子收據寄送。
You may add your email address to the memo section when you send money. An electronic receipt will be provided via email.
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1. 按下上方黃色 Donate 按鈕,或是掃描上方 QR Code,即可進入 Paypal 系統。
Press the yellow Donate button or scan the QR Code to open PayPal
2. 您會看到如下畫面:
You will see the following screen below:
(1) 輸入欲捐款的金額。
Enter the amount you wish to donate.
(2) 選擇要由 Paypal 帳號捐款(Donate with Paypal,您必須先要有 Paypal 帳號),再前往步驟 3。
Choose to donate from your Paypal account. [In order to donate with Paypal, you must first have a Paypal account] , then go to Step 3
或是選擇簽帳卡或信用卡捐款(Donate with a Debit or Credit Card),再前往步驟 5。
If you do not have a Paypal account, choose “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card”, then go to Step 5
3. 選擇由 Paypal 帳號捐款者,在底下畫面輸入 email 或帳號,並依指示操作。
Access into your Paypal account by entering your email or mobile number into the screen below and follow the instructions.
4. 進入捐款主畫面時,在底下的 Purpose 註明捐款對象,也可在 Add special instructions to recipient 寫上更多的捐款細節。
When you enter the donation screen, indicate whom you are donating to in the “Purpose” section. You may also add special donation instructions for the Yin-Shun Foundation.
Also, please confirm that your address is correct so we can mail you the receipt.
Finally, confirm the donation.
If you choose to donate by debit card or credit card, you will see the following screen:
(1) 輸入欲捐款的金額。
Enter the amount you wish to donate.
(2) 選擇 Write a note,並註明捐款對象與金額及相關細節。
Select “Write a note” and indicate to whom you are donating, the amount you wish to donate and any other related details
6. 逐一填上各欄位,在填入地址後,底下紅圈的地方要打勾,分享您的住址,以便寄上收據。
Fill out the necessary fields. After entering your billing address, make sure to click on the box below so that you can receive the receipt.
Finally, confirm the donation.
Thank you once again for your generous donation!