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Ven An Hui 安慧法師

1995 年:依止美國觀音禪寺超定長老出家。

1997 年至 2005 年:於福嚴佛學院修學及第二屆研究所畢業。


Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi 菩提法師


西元 1944 年出生於紐約市的布魯克林區。

1966 年,取得布魯克林大學哲學學士之學位。

1972 年,於克萊爾蒙特研究所完成哲學博士學位。

當他廿多歲時,就對佛法產生了濃厚的興趣,在完成博士學位後即赴斯里蘭卡,追隨當代僧人學者先驅 --- 已故的阿蘭達麥崔彥長老 ( Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya ) ,在其座下於 1972 年受沙彌戒,並於 1973 年受比丘具足戒。

1984 年,他奉任斯里蘭卡佛教出版社 (Buddhist Publication Society) 總編輯,並於 1988 年出任該社社長。法師在著作、翻譯、編輯上聲譽卓著,並出版過多部重要作品,包括『 The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha -- A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya 」(中部尼柯耶英譯,與 Ven.Bhikkhu Nanamoli 合譯之, 1995 出版),『 The Connected Discourses of the Buddha -- A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya 』(相應部尼柯耶英譯, 2000 出版)等。

2000 年五月,法師受邀在聯合國首次衛塞節(釋迦佛誕辰、成佛、涅槃日)慶典中演講,闡述衛塞節的意義。 2002 年他回到美國。同年七月常住於同淨蘭若並在此傳授佛法。

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, originally from New York City, has been a Buddhist monk since 1972 and is highly regarded as a scholar and teacher. He lived in Asia for 24 years, where he was president and editor of the Buddhist Publication Society. Resident at Chuang Yen Monastery since 2007, he was recently elected president of BAUS, the Buddhist Association of the United States.

Ven Chao Ding 超定法師

超定法師,出生台灣台南,十四歲出家,禮拜竹溪禪寺虛妙和尚為師。起初兩年,在剃度師座下學習佛門禮儀、佛學常識、日用共修念誦法器,及隨眾作務,過著農禪的沙彌生活。十六歲負笈北上,考入新竹靈隱佛學院、福嚴學舍,親近當代佛學泰斗印順導師及其門下諸賢 ─ 續明、演培、仁俊等諸大法師,專修佛法,接受正規僧教育。在學團前後六年,性相空有之學,多所涉躐,義解與修持並重,為來日淨己化他,奠定穩固道基。



Ven Chang Rui 長叡法師

1965 年次,台灣雲林人

1987 逢甲大學畢業

2005~2011 福嚴佛學院 大學部、研究部(畢業)

2006 於慧日講堂出家,高雄慈雲寺受大戒

2011~ 就讀於法鼓佛教學院DDBC

空中鳥跡」── 釋長叡自述

Ven Chang Tzu 長慈法師

1980 年,歸依三寶。

1997 年,國立中央大學太空科學研究所碩士畢業。

2000 年,依止觀院長出家。

1999—2005 年,於福嚴佛學院修學佛法課程;第二屆研究所畢業。

2013 年,完成在澳洲雪梨大學進行之佛教相關研究, 並獲頒博士學位。


A Taiwanese monk born in Taipei , Taiwan . He graduated in 1995 from the Department of Atmospheric Science at the National Central University in Taiwan with a major in meteorology and went on to receive his Masters degree in 1997 from the Institute of Space Science. Bhikṣu Chang Tzu was ordained by Venerable Hou-Guan in 2000. He then studied advanced Buddhism at the Fuyan Institute until 2002 and studied specialized Buddhist programs at the graduate school until 2005. He has conducted dharma lessons at the Bodhi Monastery in New Jersey, USA, during their winter and summer courses in 2006–2010. He did his PhD research at the University of Sydney in 2007–2012, where he was researching Buddhism relevant to early Mahayana doctrine. His research in particular focused on the formation, transmission and use of texts, involving the comparative study of Chinese, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Pali sources. In 2013, Bhikṣu Changtzu obtained a PhD in Buddhist studies from the University of Sydney. He is currently a lecturer at the Fuyan Buddhist Institute.

Ven Chang Wen

A native New Yorker and current Director of the Dharma Drum Retreat Center, Chang Wen Fashi is a western monastic disciple of Chan Master Sheng Yen. After his ordination  as a novice in 2004, he lived at the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education, Taiwan, and received a monastic education at the Dharma Drum Sangha University. After graduating from the University, he received full ordination in 2006, and then continued to serve as the counselor for the male students of the Chan Meditation Studies Department. Over this period of training, he attended and assisted with numerous intensive meditation retreats in the Chan Hall and abroad, as well as served as the leader for DDM's International Meditation Group in Taipei. Chang Wen Fashi holds a Bachelor's Degree of Science from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He is fluent in both English and Mandarin.

Ven Di Hsuan

She is an ordained Buddhist nun of the Mahayana tradition and a Ph.D. student at the University of Florida. She had been trained in Yuan-Kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies for three years and received her M.A. in the Religion Department of the National Cheng-Chi University in Taiwan. Her research spans the medieval and contemporary periods of Buddhism. Currently she is investigating the development of Chinese Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist art history, and the mutual interactions between Buddhism and other religions. Her dissertation is the study of the medieval Chinese beliefs and practices centered on Medicine Master Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru Buddha).

Ven Di Xuan

Venerable Dixuan is an ordained Buddhist nun of the Mahayana tradition and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Florida. She had been trained in Yuan-Kuang Graduate Institute of Buddhist Studies, where she studied a number of scriptures and delved into the doctrine of Two Truth presented in the Perfection of Wisdom Scriptures. Additionally, Ven. Dixuan received her M.A. from the Religion Department of the National Cheng-Chi University in Taipei, Taiwan. Her M.A. thesis surveyed the doctrines and practices of the non-duality described in the Manjusri-related Scriptures.

Ven. Dixuan’s interests span the medieval and contemporary periods of Buddhism, including Buddhist doctrines, historical development of Chinese Buddhist scriptures, Indian and Chinese Buddhist history, Buddhist art, Buddhism in the West, and the mutual interactions between Buddhism and other religions. Her on-going Ph.D. dissertation is investigating the medieval Chinese beliefs and practices centered on Medicine Master Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru Buddha). She is currently teaching Chinese Religions in the University of Florida and Religions of Asian in the Santa Fe College, FL.

Ven Dao Yi 道一法師

1997 年大馬醫藥檢驗學院畢業。

1997 年下旬出家。

2013 年台灣福嚴研究所畢業。






A Mahāyāna Buddhist monk from Penang , Malaysia .

1997, graduated from Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia.

1997, received novice ordination.

1998, received full ordination in Taiwan.

2002, graduated in Diploma of the Primary Buddhist Study from Fu Yan Buddhist Institute, Taiwan.

2003-2009, taught in Malaysian Buddhist Institute.

2012, obtained Graduate Diploma of Arts (Buddhist Studies) from Fu Yan Buddhist Institute, Taiwan.

Currently, appointed as advisor and lecturer for certain Buddhist Association and Temple in Malaysia .

Ven Fa Long

Venerable Samiddha (a.k.a. Ven. Fa Long) was born in Medan, Indonesia.
In 2014, he studied Buddhism at the Fuyan Buddhist Institute in Taiwan.
In 2015, he joined the monastic under the guidance of Venerable Ekayana in Malaysia.
He received the full ordination the year after in Taiwan.

In 2018, after graduating from the Fuyan Buddhist Institute, he was the abbot’s assistant at Samma Sambodhi Buddhist Center in Indonesia.

He actively preached and taught Buddhism in Indonesia and Malaysia.
From 2019 to 2023, he came to Houston to pursue his academic studies in philosophy and religion.
At the same time, he assists the Texas Buddhist Association in conducting various religious services and delivering Dharma talks.
In 2023, he attended graduate school at the University of Washington in Seattle, conducting study and research in Buddhist Studies.

His research interests include early Buddhist manuscripts, the history of Indian Mahayana Buddhism, Sanskrit literature, and philosophy.

Currently, he is an instructor for several Buddhist Book Clubs and a writer for Dharma Garden Magazine, published by the Texas Buddhist Association.

One of his mottos is to live your life wholly and entirely, with all the bitterness and sweetness, for the next life is so mysterious.

Ven Guan Zang 貫藏法師

2003 年,依止體方法師出家。

2004 年至 2011 年,入福嚴佛學院學習佛法,畢業於第五屆研究所。


Ven Hou Guan 厚觀法師








著作 2006年 :《深觀廣行的菩薩道》。

Ven Jing Zhao 淨照法師





Ven Kuan Qian 寬謙法師




Ven Kai Ren 開仁法師

1971年 生於馬來西亞之沙巴州

1984年 開始接觸佛教

1993年 系統學院商專畢業

1996年 就讀台灣福嚴佛學院

1997年 依止馬來西亞之檳城州洪福寺文建長老出家

2005年 福嚴佛學院第二屆研究所畢業

2005年 任教於福嚴佛學院及福嚴推廣教育班

2005年 著作:《印順導師對初期大乘菩薩觀之抉擇探源》、《忘己為人》

2007年 著作:《如理作意》


Ven Kai Yin 開印法師

1968 出生於沙巴州亞庇市

1987 依止檳城洪福寺文建上人披剃出家


  • 就讀於馬來西亞佛學院初中班、台灣圓光佛學院大學部
  • 依隨繼程法師、修靜長老、聖嚴長老、葛印卡老師及帕奧禪師修習禪法


  • 檳城佛教義學佛學班、國畫班老師(1990)
  • 台灣圓光佛學院講師
  • 福嚴佛學院教務主任(1996)


  • 沙巴寂靜禪林住持
  • 沙巴亞庇慈音寺宗教顧問
  • 阿含、戒律、書法及止觀禪修班指導老師



  1. 緬甸帕奧禪師《智慧之光》(圓光出版社,第一版,1998)
  2. 《2003年沙巴佛教書畫展專輯》(寂靜禪林,2003)
Ven Shi Yi

A Mahayana Buddhist nun born in Hong Kong, migrated to New Zealand at 14.

2000-2004 BFA, Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Auckland (NZ)

2004-2006 MFA, Master of Fine Arts, University of Auckland (NZ)

2011-2015 A Bachelor Degree in Buddhist Studies, Yitung Buddhist Institute (TW)

2015 Received full ordination in Taiwan.

A Sangha member of Vihara Dharma Suci. [Jakarta, Indonesia; Auckland, New Zealand].

An art teacher at Sekolah Dharma Suci, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ven Xing Guang 性廣法師







Ven Yuan Bo 圓波法師







Ven Yan Rong

Venerable Bhikṣuṇī Yan Rong currently resides in Australia. Her main focus is working with the Taiwan Yinshun Foundation on the translation of Master Yinshun’s texts from Chinese to English. She first encountered Buddhism in 1996 while studying for an Economics Degree at the University of Sydney and she has continued to pursue Buddhist studies ever since. From 1997 to 2010 she participated in the translation and editing of Buddhist articles, as well as the organization of youth activities such as winter camps and festival nights at the Hwa Tsang Monastery.

Education and Training
1995-97  Bachelor of Economics & Finance, University of Sydney
2011       Received novice ordination under Venerable Parikaruṇā
2012       Received full ordination at the Fayun Chan Monastery
2011-16  Degree in Buddhist Studies, Yitung Buddhist Institute

Ven Yuan Wu 圓悟法師

1998 年在南投的小道場剃染出家,2002 年於日月禪寺受三大戒。

2008年 福嚴佛學院第十一屆大學部畢業。

2011年 福嚴佛學院第五屆研究部畢業。

2012~ 就讀於法鼓文理學院 DILA。


Ven Zheng Ren 證仁法師

2011 年依止美國紐約蓮華學佛苑上明下修法師出家。

2009 年至 2013 年於壹同女眾佛學院修學。


Mr. Lu Sheng Qiang 呂勝強老師


  • 中華佛教青年會監事
  • 高雄市正信佛教青年會理事長
  • 國立高雄師範大學大慧(佛學)社指導老師
  • 新竹福嚴佛學院專題講師
  • 妙心寺「人間佛教研修院」講師
  • 弘誓學院推廣部講師
  • 財政部高雄關稅局關務正(服務25年,2003年6月退休)


  • 印順文教基金會推廣教育中心主任
  • 高雄市正信佛教青年會常務監事
  • 高雄市正信佛教青年會講師
  • 印順思想佛法推廣班講師

Prof. Michael Roehm

He was the facilitator of the Sutta Study Group (now the Washington, DC, Buddhist Studies Group) at the Washington Buddhist Vihara for 17 years.

His Buddhist affiliations and activities have focused on both the Theravada and (Korean and Soto/Caodong) Zen traditions.

A former monk in Sri Lanka and Korea, where he was a student of Zen Master Kusan Sunim, he was also a founding member of the Washington Buddhist Vihara and Bhavana Society, and a cofounder of the Lotus Lantern International Buddhist Center (Seoul, Korea) and the Buddhist Fellowship of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA.

He is a lay student in the Mountain and Rivers Order of Zen Mountain Monastery and member of the Board of Directors of Buddhist Global Relief.

He is also a facilitator in the Alternatives to Violence Program (AVP) at the Maryland Correctional Institution, Hagerstown.

Now retired from American University in Washington, DC, he lives in Williamsport, MD.

Prof. Yu-Jung Liu Avis

Prof. Yu-Jung L. Avis, Ph.D., became a Buddhist in 1991 when she was a graduate student at Rutgers University. She regularly attended Ven. Jen-Chun's Saturday Dharma talks and religious programs between 1992 and 2006. She joined the Yin-Shun Foundation in 1998 and served as the Secretary to the Board of Trustees in 2004, 2005, and since 2014. She was the English interpreter for the weekly program of Dharma talks at Bodhi Monastery for several years while she studied Pali with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. She is a co-translator of Ven. Yinshun's autobiographical work, A Sixty-Year Spiritual Voyage on the Ocean of Dharma . She is an Associate Professor of Finance at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York.

Mr. Yang Yu Wen 楊郁文老師

楊郁文(1937~),台灣省雲林縣人。台灣大學土木工程系肄業,一九六一年畢業於高雄醫學院醫學系。一九六九年閱讀印順法師著作《學佛三要》,自認建立正信三寶。於一九七○年與父母、妻子一同請求 印順法師允許,證明正式歸依三寶;時印順法師為得戒和尚,於嘉義天龍寺開戒,其自願求授菩薩戒,成為菩薩戒優婆塞,法名宏文;懺雲法師賜名淨梵。


